Sunova Surfboards, Creator of the Parabolic Rail, innovator, designer and shaper:
A brief introduction to the man behind the creation of the parabolic rail, as well as Firewire’s technology and surfboard design. Bert Burger, originating out of Mandurah Western Australia, has been designing, innovating and building sandwich construction and vacuum bagged surfboards for over 23 years.
The surf is always up along Bert’s home turf of the 12,000 km coastline of Western Australia, and so it is rightly famous for its quality and variety of surf, and the perfect testing ground for Bert and his Sunova surfboards. Plenty of reefs, beaches and point breaks – take your pick.
Bert is a likable guy who is in tune with both the older and younger surfers. A surfer and a shaper as well as an innovator, having pioneered or created a lot of the standard industry techniques in surfboard production these days. His philosophy has always been to have the best quality each surfboard can be.
One of Bert’s and Sunova’s biggest challenges is educating surfers that the Sunova ride of surfboards will give them much more enjoyment from their surfing, and they will feel like their ability has improved straight away.
But maybe the main challenge facing Sunova though is educating the public to understand that a Sunova board is much more durable than the PU surfboards that they have ridden all their lives. That paying $600 per board, every 6 months or every year, is in fact more expensive than the investment in a $1,000 Sunova board, which will last them 10 years or more if looked after.
Sunova Surfboards, Creator of the Parabolic Rail, innovator.
About Bert
Started surfing just before turning 3 and was independent in the ocean by age 5, attempted my first shape at age 8, built my first complete board at age 12, entered the full time surf industry at age 14, spent a lifetime traveling and surfing, Innovated new surfboard technologies and created an international brand, motivated by learning new things and technical challenges, love to hang out with like minded people…
Why Sunova…
Seemed like a cool name at the time…
The best Competition ranking you got so far?
Hm, got boxes of trophies, plenty of firsts, but got second once in a short board state round in Western Australia , against some of the country’s best short boarders, I was riding a longboard, proof that a longboard can be the best performance option in the right conditions…
Your favorite contest and why?
2003 Yal Mal, apart from having most of our team take out nearly every division that year, we also entered Sunova in the teams division , 16 teams entered, but the surf grew to gigantic proportions and 12 teams withdrew, no way I wanted to paddle out either, but peer pressure prevailed, we ended up winning, being the only team having all 4 contestants actually catching a wave…
What is your dream in surfing or what goal would you like to achieve with it?
I think being the worlds fattest ripper would be cool, LOL, just surfing for as long as I can , wouldn’t mind an Australian title either…
Your favourite SURFing adventure so far?
Went with 5 mates into the desert of North West Oz, and we discovered a new spot that was firing, but we couldn’t figure out how to paddle out, 2 of the boys were so keen to get out there, that they jumped off a 35 foot cliff straight into the lineup below while the rest of us searched for another way in, we couldn’t find one, so we rigged up a rope with knots in it to get in and out of the water, try pulling yourself up a rope after 4 hours of surfing…
The Surf trip you must do before you wipe out forever?
I think I’ve done them all, wouldn’t mind doing one of those cool river waves, like the Amazon or the Bono..
Your favorite songs and bands:
What the fuck is this? Teen Girl Magazine or something?
What does a Bert Burger Party look like?…
Ha, loads of hot bitches, good doof doof music and some disco lights, copious amounts of choice alcohol, a range of a? other stuff to liven things up and maybe a few dark corners, with a bunch of my surf buddies and some groms to laugh at, as they usually are willing to do crazy shit that would probably only hurt me these days..
As a superhero I would…
Rid the world of bad boards and make sure everyone got the best surfboards for their needs…
Whats your favorite animal, and why?
That would have to be Pussy…
If you could do anything and had unlimited money would you do anything good?
Fuck yea, I would make all weapons illegal, global peace, so every good surf spot was accessible to everyone, leave a range of board sizes at every location that were perfect for that spot, anyone who rolled up could paddle out on the most magic board suited to that wave…
What is your quiver and when do you like what?
Na, I can’t answer that one, my comment would be too long, let’s just say the right board for the conditions…